Innovation Calls

searching for novel solutions to help deliver offshore wind faster, cheaper and at lower risk

Innovation Calls

Apply for PROJECT SPONSORSHIP up to £300,000

Get access to

Technology demonstration sites

Funding application support

Growing market opportunities

The Offshore Wind R&I Programme will sponsor innovative projects to help the supply chain bring new solutions to market, build operational capacity and scale up activities.

Our innovation calls have been designed to support companies to explore ways to overcome the technical challenges of offshore wind development, embedding economic benefits in the North of Scotland.

We aim to give you the tools you need to support the build out of offshore wind projects throughout Scotland, the UK and further afield.

This call is now closed

The first in a series of innovation calls is open for applications, with up to £300,000 available to projects.

We’re looking for innovation projects offering solutions to key challenges areas. The first call is looking for solutions that address at least one of the following challenges:



Wind, waves and current


Understand the wind, wave and current conditions on site and en route


Inform major decisions regarding installation and O&M including vessel choice and the activities that can be performed within well-understood weather windows.


Applications to be received by 1:00pm, Mon 12 Feb 2024


Transportation & Installation

Design for short window installation


Maximise installation opportunities


Streamline requirements and processes to shorten required weather windows and allow highest probability of successful installation.


Applications to be received by 1:00pm, Mon 12 Feb 2024

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for innovation projects offering solutions to key challenges areas.

The proposed project must provide a clear and justifiable benefit to the West of Orkney Windfarm, but may also have wider benefits across the offshore wind sector in the North of Scotland and beyond. We encourage proposals from companies and research institutions in the local community and further afield.

Project sponsorship should help leverage additional public and private investment into these projects, to maximise their potential impact on the West of Orkney Windfarm and wider industry.

Projects should be up to two years’ duration. It is not the intention of the R&I Programme to own any intellectual property (IP) from the ideas submitted or the projects supported.

Application process and timings

Stage 1 - Application
Submit queries five working days before the application deadline.
Mon 5 Feb 2024
Deadline 1pm, Mon 12 Feb 2024
Applicants notified of outcomes and feedback Mon 26 Feb 2024
Stage 2 - Detailed project proposal
Submit detailed project proposal
A template will be provided to successful applicants
Thu 4 Apr 2024
Applicants notified of outcomes and feedback Thu 18 Apr 2024
Stage 3 - Pitches
West of Orkney Windfarm, 32 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh  EH2 4ET
by 18 May 2024
Applicants notified of outcomes and feedback by 31 May 2024
Contract by 14 June 2024
Projects commence June 2024 onwards

For full overview of the application process and the R&I Programme, download our Scope and Guidance.

Scope and Guidance

Key impact criteria

  • UK / Scottish benefit
  • CAPEX / OPEX impact
  • Impact on production / capacity factor
  • Improvement to safety
  • Risk to assets
  • Technology readiness level (TRL)
  • Improvements to supply chain preparedness
  • Competition
  • Market size

What's on offer

Project sponsorship up to £1 million

The West of Orkney Windfarm are funding the R&I Programme up to £1 million. A maximum of £300k is available from the R&I Programme for the first innovation call however additional funding may be made available to those with the potential to have the biggest impact on the wind farm.

Candidates must detail the budget required for project completion and source of external funds that have already been secured. Funding intensity will range from 10% to 100% and is at the discretion of the Programme Governance Group. Funding intensity towards each project will be based upon:

  • maturity of the project
  • quality of the application
  • relevance to the West of Orkney Windfarm

See Scope and Guidance for full details.

Scope and Guidance

Support with project proposal

Each application will undergo preliminary screening. From experience, EMEC expects submissions to the programme to be at varying levels of maturity and credibility. If progressing to detailed project proposal stage of the R&I Programme, EMEC will offer support to develop your proposal and collate required evidence. This may be via a physical or online workshop.

Support with accessing alternative grant funding

Depending on the requirements and merits of the proposed innovation, EMEC may offer support to leverage grant funding and public support.

This may include in-house support to scope out an idea and/or develop a funding application or facilitating research into the potential of the idea and the associated costs and benefits.

Support in demonstrating technologies

EMEC operates consented areas of sea-space for demonstrating offshore technologies, tools and techniques, as well as onshore facilities for energy system demonstrations. Access to these facilities to demonstrate innovations may awarded where relevant.

Find out more about EMEC’s test and demonstration facilities.

Access to market

If the innovation proves to be a game-changer in the offshore wind sector, there is a huge client base (including the West of Orkney Windfarm and other ScotWind and INTOG lease areas) who may be interested in your product and service.



Innovation call webinar

Friday 12 January 2024



£1 million offshore wind programme launches innovation call

A £1 million research and innovation (R&I) programme is searching for novel solutions to help deliver offshore wind faster, cheaper and at lower risk.




EMEC has signed a ground-breaking agreement with the West of Orkney Windfarm

Become a Sponsor